Attacks in Mozambique worsen

The situation in Mozambique after cyclones Idai and Kenneth continues to be concerning.  Food insecurity continues to deteriorate with drought conditions worsening. more than 1.6 million people require food assistance, including nearly 70,000 children under five-years of age who require immediate treatment for acute malnutrition.  While is a great relief that the recent tropic storm missed causing significant damage in Mozambique, the increased rate of weather related disasters is causing understandable concern to communities and service providers.

At the same time as communities are surviving through and recovering from cyclones and drought, there have been 23 attacks on Cabo Delgado villages lone, with more than 60 people killed and over 60,000 people displaced.  The complex insurgency involving international actors is causing great alarm within Mozambique.  Reports are emerging of abduction of children, killing, and maiming.  Child protection actors in Mozambique are working hard to strengthen child protection mechanisms and child protection response strategies.  Broadly, the humanitarian community in Mozambique has been effective at developing robust internal child safe guarding systems within their organisations, but the biggest risk to children and child rights now comes from armed groups.

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