Flooding in Kenya

Flooding in Kenya

An early rain seas has displaced approximately 1000 households in Busai Kenya. Over 20,000 people have now been affected and displaced and spread over 35 camps. Destruction and damage of key infrastructure such as schools has been reported in area. The situation is likely to deteriorate in the coming days including risks of outbreak of water borne diseases.  Humanitarian actors including Red Cross, Save the Children, and IOM are distributing non-food items to some of the most affected families. The Government, recognising the scale, has called for more international assistance.

Busai Country worst affected by flooding

Bunyala sub-county is located in Busia County situated in the Western Region of Kenya. It is the gateway to Kenya from the neighbouring Uganda with two border points at Busia and Malaba town. It has estimated population of 85,000 persons. The area experiences a series of flooding occurrences during rainy seasons long rains season owing to it location at the floodplain of Nzoia River which is the main cause of flooding in the area as excess water infiltrates the main land.  The area is prone to floods owing to its geographical location and the situation is likely to escalate as the rains continue.

The Government of Kenya is leading the response by coordinating the camps providing security and primary health care to the affected persons. The Government has called on other actors to support meet the immediate needs.  The security situation in the area remains stable and conducive to humanitarian operations.

Humanitarian Advisors will continue to monitor the situation.